Gala Games Welcomes: Derek “Doc” Jarvis!

Gala Games
3 min readApr 12, 2021


Brace yourselves as we continue to build one of the most incredible teams of gamers the world has ever seen. It is now our pleasure to announce yet another new member of the ever expanding Gala Games crew. Those who have spent any time in our bustling Discord server may know him simply as Doc, but allow us to formally introduce Derek Jarvis, who is joining our ranks as a developer. This means he will be spending FAR less time moderating in the Discord, but far more time developing.

Derek has spent his entire life in the midst of a love affair with games of all types, a feature that has become something of a prerequisite for employment at Gala Games! He is a solver of problems, a student of learning in all its forms and a devout seeker of knowledge in everything he pursues. Doc loves technology, travel and cultures. One thing that has stuck with him in his adventures around the world is the great tie that binds us all together no matter where we are, how we live or what we believe. This is the all-pervading fact that people “basically want to be happy and feel valued.”

Derek Jarvis knows his way around computers and has been a programmer for many years. The first computer he programmed on was a TRS-80, built in 1977 and named respectively for the company that launched the product and the store that sold it (Tandy Corp./RadioShack). Before you go thinking that you can date Mr. Jarvis from this information, we should also mention that the setup was already decades old when he was working on it.

Doc and Games

Like all of us at Gala Games, Derek Jarvis feels a strong personal connection to the gaming world, not only as a bunch of problems to be solved, but as a vehicle to make the world a better place. The problems that Derek sees are much like those that Gala Games seeks to solve: “I think gaming has lost what made it special and many games are just monetized time sinks that steal money and time from people and give them nothing in return. Games these days focus on selling the most, instead of being the best.”

Derek’s favorite game of all time is Diablo 2, which he has played off and on (mostly on) for 18 years. For those most familiar with the hack-n-slash Blizzard classic, Doc adds this tidbit: “Yes, I farmed hellfire torches as recently as two years ago.”

Passion in Play

Derek Jarvis is extremely excited to join up with Gala Games and have a chance to extract the fullest and most rewarding potential from his lifelong gaming passion. This passion is one of the few things that every member of this all-star team we are building has in common, and that is one of the key components to the success of this company for years to come.

But as it turns out, Doc’s passion goes deeper than simply gaming and programming. As his beloved wife can attest, he also can write “heart-melting love poems” (her words). Perhaps if you ask him for a sample in Discord one day, he will passionately oblige!

As always, please offer Derek “Doc” Jarvis a sincere and warm welcome the next time you cross his path in the Discord community. We’re beyond excited to have you join us on this journey Doc! Thanks for being here!

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord ( and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!

