Announcement: New Gala Games Node Software!

Gala Games
2 min readMar 19, 2021


We are delighted to announce that today we are releasing new Gala Games Node Software to support the Gala Games Ecosystem! This is the first step in migrating to the Gala Games Decentralized Content Distribution Network (DCDN), which will leverage the excellent work pioneered by Protocol Labs.

If you are running your Gala Game Node on Windows or Mac, the update should be automatic once you click the “Update Now” button in the upper right hand corner of your node software. If you are operating headless nodes on Linux, you will need to manually redeploy your node software and go through a clean install. We will post the link to the installation instructions here shortly.

Note: When you are installing on Windows, you will receive a warning

This is due to the fact that the Content Signing Certificate is new, and needs to establish a reputation before this warning is removed.

It is not required that you update your nodes immediately. However, on March 31st, 2021, at 23:59 UTC, the nodes which have not been updated will be excluded from the network and will not be able to receive any rewards until they have updated their node software.

If you have any questions, please drop into the Gala Nodes channel in our Discord at, and we will answer your questions.

There is a LOT more coming for the Gala Games ecosystem, so make sure to keep in touch, watch the Discord ( and get ready for more interesting news! Follow Gala Games on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in our Discord!



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